Happy to feature our Purebred and Commercial Beefmaster herd. Although we're a small family operation,
we do utilize both AI & Embryo Transfer, along with Natural Service, in our breeding program.
Through a.i. & e.t. genetics, we are constantly focused on Qaulity over Quantity, and we are continualy
striving to produce each generation of calves a little better than the generation before - those that carry
the desired traits from the Beefmaster and Angus breeds - genetics that we believe will continue to
improve our herd, for both carcass and maternal traits, for years to come.
Front Pasture Scene " click to enlarge" |
Beefmaster; A composite breed, developed by crossing Hereford and Shorthorn Cows with Brahman Bulls. Notably; 1/4 Shorthorn, 1/4 Hereford, 1/2 Brahman.
The breed is recognized as a "Dual Purpose breed" - blending strong maternal traits with excellent growth and carcass abilities.
A.I. Calf - * A.I. calf out of our #K9 Dam & our Tex Bull - ( * calf's a grandson of L2's Prodigy 116/13 #C1030775 ).
Out of our Reg. Beefmaster Cow #C1066115 and A.I. Bull #C1108401 ( Unfortunately we lost his sire due to injury, but luckily, after having him collected ) ( "click image to enlarge picture" )

Embryo Heifer Calf (* Logan-62m27 #C88322 & Sexy Sugar-36/3 #C874651) ( "click image to enlarge" )
E.T. Calf - * Embryo calf from of our great #K5 commercial recip mom. - ( * out of Logan #C88322 & Sexy Sugar #C874651 ) - as gentle as they come !
Purebred Dam #C1066115 with her "natural service calf" - " Hector "
(* a little bull out of Syzygy #C1048748)
Natural Service Calf - ( "click image to enlarge picture" )

Embryo Bull Calf "Tex" (* L2's Prodigy #C1030775 & Sugar Peggy Sue #C1042937) ( "click image to enlarge" )
E.T. Calf - * Another embryo calf out of our K7 Recip Mom. A little bull out of the L2's Prodigy Bull #C1030775 & Sugar Peggy Sue #C1042937 - he's thick, stoudt, and quite fiesty !
A.I. Calf - * A.I. calf out of our fullblood #K5 Dam & L-Bar's Escalade Bull #C1028230.
A.I. Calf - * Out of our #K5 Dam & L-Bar's Escalade Bull #C10228230.
( "click image to enlarge picture" )

Typical Full Blood Commercial Bull Calf ( Tag #222 ) ( "click image to enlarge" )
Commercial Calf - * Out of our #K7A Dam & our Hector Bull #C1082513. (* This is a typical home grown bull calf raised here on the ranch - red, ocasionly black, muscled, and gentle ) !
Commercial Calf - * Out of our #K7 Dam & our Hector Bull #C1082513. (* This is a typical home grown heifer calf raised here on the ranch - red, slick, easy on the eye, and gentle ) !
Typical Full Blood Commercial Heifer Calf ( Tag #214 ) ( "click image to enlarge" )
( "click image to enlarge picture" )