Beefmaster Calves and Yearlings for Sale
* Commercial and Purebreds *
( Bulls and Heifers available )
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Below we feature calves and yearlings, in no particular order, both purebreds and commercial, from our breeding program. We continually strive to raise the best replacements we can - both heifers & bulls, while focusing on each generation being a little better than the generation before. Cattle that carry the desired traits from the Beefmaster and Angus breeds, that " we believe " will continue to improve the quality of our herd, for years to come.
#K5B- Miss April - ( Born: 04-10-2018 )
Purebred Beefmaster Heifer -
( Reg. No: C1092719, DNA - # NE0032705 SV IGN )
#K5B - * Purebred Heifer Calf from some of Beefmaster's top bloodlines, including; Logan, Synergy, Red Sugar - ( top & bottom ), Cavalier, Miss Judy, Sexy Sugar, and others ..
April is an Embryo Calf ( * CF Logan / CF Sexy Sugar ) out of our #K5 dam - she has the following performance, "without creep" *only CSM with salt limiter in the dry months !
Calf Performance:
bw: 80 ( 04-10-18 )
ww: n/a ( ), adj 205 day ww: n/a
yw: n/a ( )
( " click to view April with her mom as a newborn" )

#K5B - Registered Beefmaster Yearling Heifer Calved: 04-10-18 ( "click image to enlarge picture" )
( Reg No: C1092719 - Click to view pedigree )

#K5A - 1st cross Commercial Angus Heifer ( "click image to enlarge" )
( Com Angus Bull / our K5-Dam: calved 03-23-17 )
#K5A - ( Born: 3/23/2017 )
#K5A - * 1st cross commercial Angus/BM heifer from our #K5 Dam- natural service. She was K5's 1st calf, is as gentle as they come, has a great utter, and had the following performance, "without creep" *only CSM with salt limiter in the dry months !
Calf K5A's Performance:
bw: 78 ( 03-23-17 )
ww: 600 ( 10-19-17 ), adj 205 day ww: 641
yw: 761 ( 04-24-18 )
We believe that after her initial natural service, she'll make a great addition to our A.I. and ET program.
( " click to view with mom at 2 days old " )
#K8A- Hector - ( Born: 09-07-2017 )
Purebred Beefmaster Bull -
( Reg. No: C1082513, DNA - # NE00327052 Guld PV )
#K8A - * Purebred Yearling Bull from some of Beefmaster's top bloodlines, including; Synergy, Red Sugar, Sugar Britches, Bonfire, Prissy Lady, Sugar Pie, and others. Hector is a natural calf from our #K8 dam that we unfortunately lost a few months after weaning. But Hector - ( shown ), is still with us and being utilzed for natural service. He's as gentle as they come, nice to work with in the chute, and had the following performance, "without creep" *only CSM with salt limiter in the dry months !
Calf Performance:
bw: 83 ( 09-07-17 )
ww: 618 ( 04-04-18 ), adj 205 day ww: 668
yw: 1295 ( 06-01-19 ), adj 365 day yw: 911
sc: 39.5 ( at 20 mths )
( " click to view Hector with his mom as a newborn" )

#K8A - Registered Beefmaster Yearling Bull Calved: 09-07-17 ( "click image to enlarge picture" )
( Reg No: C1082513 - Click to view pedigree )

#K7A - 1st cross Angus-Beefmaster ( "click image to enlarge" )
( Com Angus Bull / our K7-Dam: calved 04-08-17 )
#K7A - ( Born: 04/08/2017 )
#K7A - * 1st cross commercial Angus/BM heifer from our #K7 Dam - natural service. She was K7's 1st calf, and another gentle heifer, with a nice utter, and the following performance, "without creep" *only CSM with salt limiter in the dry months !
Calf K7A's Performance:
bw: 80 ( 04-08-17 )
ww: 529 ( 10-19-17 ), adj 205 day ww: 608
yw: 706 ( 04-24-18 )
We believe that after her initial natural service, she'll make another great addition to our A.I. and ET program.
( " click to view with mom at a week old " )

#K6A - F1 Beefmaster-Angus Heifer ( "click image to enlarge" )
( Com Angus Bull / our K6-Dam: calved 04-14-17 )
#K6A - ( Born: 4/14/2017 )
#K6A - * 1st cross commercial Angus/BM heifer from our #K6 Dam - natural service. She was K6's 1st calf, and another good, gentle heifer with the following performance, "without creep" *only CSM with salt limiter in the dry months !
Calf Performance:
bw: 83 ( 04-14-17 )
ww: 456 ( 10-19-17 ), adj 205 day ww: 543
yw: n/a ( )
We hope that after her initial natural service, she'll make another great addition to our A.I. and ET program.
( " click to view in front of mom at 10 days old " )
#K7B- Prodigy's Tex 10x - ( Born: 11-11-2018 )
Purebred Beefmaster Bull -
( Reg. No: C1108401 )
#K7B - * Purebred Bull Calf, up & comer, from some of Beefmaster's top bloodlines, including; L2's Prodigy, Sugar Jack, L2 Captain Jack, Sugar Britches, Oasis - ( top & bottom ), Peggy Sue, Spatacus, Infinite Lady, and others ..
Tex is an Embryo Calf ( * L2 Prodigy / L2 Sugar Peggy Sue ) out of our #K7 dam - and has the following performance, "without creep" *only CSM with salt limiter in the dry months !
Calf Performance:
bw: 79 ( 11-11-18 )
ww: n/a ( ), adj 205 day ww: n/a
yw: n/a ( )
( " click to view Tex with his mom as a newborn" )

#K7B - Registered Beefmaster Bull Calf Calved: 11-11-18 ( "click image to enlarge picture" )
( Reg No: C1108401 - Click to view pedigree )
7047 Casa Loma Ave, Dallas, Tx 75214
Tel: 214-288-9435
FAX: 214-321-1208
E-Mail: Kornegay Beefmasters
  This site © 2020 by Kornegay Beefmasters All rights reserved.